Monday, April 27, 2009

"Oh the pain, oh the misery, oh the horror..."

"It's a stick up...don't anybody move!" is a common quote found in most high jacking movies in your local movie stores right now! What does this mean to young viewers, well when you're an easily influenced adolescent this could cause you to do harm, possibly punch your younger siblings, or slam your friends into a locker at school or even shoot up a convenience store for a meager little chocolate bar. Music can contribute to peoples interpretation to life and society, possibly influencing them to cause violence. When bands spill lyrics such as "smack it like a b*tch, and take it like a wh*re," you could take this as a motivational indication of what is right.
When a person with bestowed with role models and elders, to teach them the ways of life, one could interpret their discipline acts of "right and wrong," as an indication that smacking someone upside the head is the ideal way of teaching them there life lessons. In today's society you could even accept the fact that video games that allow people to lead fantasy lives, giving them such freedoms as "Grand Theft Auto," where one could go in, kill a man, steal his car, and drive erratically over to the strip mall and enjoy a beer with your friends. Needless to say, most of the owners of the make believe reality are young adolescent boys without girlfriends. So to pay for these alternate realities, and allow these corporations to make billions of dollars, we're now giving ourselves a new set of rules, putting the idea's that allow us to cause school shootings and robberies. And only because we say it on our t.v. screen, or were taught it by our guardians. Good job world. You've done well for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I like your mix of sarcasm into this.
    It was good. SUPER JOB!
